Women’s Health

What Bladder Prolapse Feels Like and Treatment Options

Bladder prolapse, or cystocele, occurs when the supportive structures in the pelvis weaken. It's very common and can affect anyone, but it's most prevalent in women. About half of women over 50 will experience some level of bladder prolapse, and around 12% of women in America may need surgery for it.  While it's not life-threatening, ...
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2024-06-03T11:44:12-05:00May 30th, 2024|Women's Health|0 Comments

DES Exposure In Women and Lifelong Risk

What is DES? Diethylstilbestrol (DES), commonly known as "DES hormone" or "stilboestrol," was a human made synthetic form of the female hormone estrogen. It gained widespread use as a medication from the 1940s through the 1970s, primarily prescribed to pregnant women to prevent miscarriages and complications during pregnancy. Physicians believed that DES could support ...
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2024-04-04T15:28:47-05:00April 4th, 2024|Women's Health|0 Comments

Your Guide to Ovarian Hypofunction

Navigating Ovarian Hypofunction Welcome to our comprehensive guide on ovarian hypofunction—a topic that might feel overwhelming at first, but fear not. We're here to break it down into manageable pieces and provide you with all the necessary information and support. Whether you've recently received a diagnosis or you're seeking information for yourself or a ...
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2024-03-20T10:26:03-05:00March 20th, 2024|Women's Health|0 Comments

Is Your Fertility Impacted by Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?

What is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease? Let's chat about Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), a common but often misunderstood infection affecting over a million women in the United States each year. We hope to shed light on why early detection is crucial for women's reproductive health, as this infection may be hard to spot. Pelvic Inflammatory ...
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2024-02-29T00:19:46-05:00January 17th, 2024|Women's Health|Comments Off on Is Your Fertility Impacted by Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?

All About Female Hormone Disorders

Gaining weight despite diet and exercise, having an emotional outburst over the slightest mishap, energy slumps, skin issues, hair thinning, trouble sleeping, and a sluggish sex drive are all common issues women face. It's easy to chalk these things up to the natural progression of aging or the grind of daily stress. Yet, the truth ...
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2023-09-25T09:16:42-05:00August 22nd, 2023|Women's Health|Comments Off on All About Female Hormone Disorders

Living With Vulvodynia

One of the most frustrating and embarrassing things a woman can deal with is unexplained burning, soreness, itching, or pain "down there." These discomforts not only interfere with daily life and intimacy but also pose a challenge when it comes to identifying the underlying cause, given the numerous medical conditions that may exhibit similar symptoms. ...
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2023-07-20T10:49:02-05:00July 20th, 2023|Women's Health|Comments Off on Living With Vulvodynia

Are You On Track for a Urinary Tract Infection?

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a real pain—literally. They leave you in agony and often recur over and over again. In fact, statistics show that 27% of women will experience another UTI within 6 months of their first one. No doubt, UTIs seem to have a mind of their own. Just when you think you're ...
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2023-10-16T14:49:08-05:00June 27th, 2023|Women's Health|Comments Off on Are You On Track for a Urinary Tract Infection?

Your Unexplained Symptoms May Be a Hormone Disorder

Are you feeling tired and irritable? Noticing that your hair is thinning and your waistline expanding? How about your sex life? Is your drive at an all-time low, and intercourse not as "exciting" as it once was? You might think these things are just an unfortunate result of getting older or from everyday stress, but ...
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2023-10-16T14:52:01-05:00April 25th, 2023|Women's Health|Comments Off on Your Unexplained Symptoms May Be a Hormone Disorder

Why You Keep Getting Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

Bacterial vaginosis, or BV, is an imbalance of healthy bacteria in your vagina. When certain types of bacteria (anaerobes) outnumber the good bacteria (lactobacilli), you can get BV. Bacterial vaginosis is a common infection, affecting 1 in 3 women at some point. Some women have recurring cases of BV. However, many women with BV ...
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2024-07-02T16:05:20-05:00December 14th, 2022|Women's Health|Comments Off on Why You Keep Getting Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

Living With Uterine Polyps

If you are experiencing unexplained bleeding, heavy or inconsistent menstrual periods, or unusual discharge, uterine polyps aren't typically the first cause to come to mind. Uterine polyps, also known as endometrial polyps, are not a condition most women are familiar with, but they aren't rare. Up to 3 in 10 women will have uterine polyps ...
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2022-11-15T22:12:53-05:00November 15th, 2022|Women's Health|Comments Off on Living With Uterine Polyps

STDs: The Ultimate Guide You Don’t Want to Talk About

The CDC estimates that nearly 20 million new sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) occur each year in the United States. That’s a lot of sexually transmitted diseases. And it’s not just happening to other people; you or someone close to you might have an STD and not even know it. STDs are caused by bacteria, parasites, ...
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2022-04-08T21:59:41-05:00April 8th, 2022|Women's Health|Comments Off on STDs: The Ultimate Guide You Don’t Want to Talk About

What You Need To Know About Sexually Transmitted Diseases

It is estimated that there are more than 20 million cases of sexually transmitted diseases in the United States every year. That’s more than half of the population! And while most people think of STDs as a problem that only affects young people, the truth is that anyone can get an STD, regardless of their ...
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2022-12-22T11:24:07-05:00March 8th, 2022|Women's Health|Comments Off on What You Need To Know About Sexually Transmitted Diseases

What You Need To Know About Female Genital Warts

It is important to know about female genital warts because they are a common sexually transmitted infection. Female genital warts are caused by the human papillomavirus or HPV, which is a virus that can be passed through skin contact with an infected person. It is possible to have the virus without realizing it, as not ...
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2023-09-26T13:26:30-05:00February 8th, 2022|STD, Women's Health|Comments Off on What You Need To Know About Female Genital Warts

Understanding Dyspareunia and What it Means for Your Sex Life

Pain during intercourse is a common problem for women, but it’s rarely discussed. It’s difficult to define what exactly constitutes dyspareunia- the term generally refers to any form of painful intercourse. If you are experiencing pain with your partner during intercourse, don’t worry there are many different treatments for dyspareunia! The following article will give ...
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2022-12-22T11:23:12-05:00January 10th, 2022|Women's Health|Comments Off on Understanding Dyspareunia and What it Means for Your Sex Life

PCOS – Signs, Symptoms, and Treatments

PCOS is a hormonal imbalance that can lead to infertility, weight gain, irregular periods, and other symptoms. PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. If you are experiencing these symptoms, a gynecologist can help determine if you have PCOS. Read on to learn more about this disorder. What is PCOS? Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a ...
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2022-06-07T10:48:51-05:00January 8th, 2022|Women's Health|Comments Off on PCOS – Signs, Symptoms, and Treatments

How to Solve Female Incontinence: Tips & Causes

Get ready to talk about an issue no one wants to admit. Urinary incontinence. Female incontinence is a common problem for women of all ages and it happens for a variety of reasons. In this article, we will talk about the main causes and solutions to prevent female incontinence. We'll also discuss what you ...
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2024-02-29T00:18:40-05:00November 16th, 2021|Women's Health|Comments Off on How to Solve Female Incontinence: Tips & Causes

Ovarian Cysts: What They Mean for Your Fertility

The female reproductive system is made up of many parts, each of which is necessary in order for us to give birth. That’s why it’s so important to check in with your OBGYN annually to make sure that nothing is amiss. Remember that health problems are much easier to catch and fix earlier on rather ...
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2021-12-05T11:27:36-05:00October 12th, 2021|Women's Health|Comments Off on Ovarian Cysts: What They Mean for Your Fertility

Endometriosis Symptoms: Treatment, Causes

Endometriosis is a very uncomfortable condition during which endometrial-like tissue begins growing on the outside of your uterus. Since this is the same tissue responsible for breaking down and releasing blood during your menstrual period, it can cause pain and other issues, particularly during your period. This condition can result in irritated tissue, cysts, scarring, ...
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2022-09-22T09:21:51-05:00September 13th, 2021|Women's Health|Comments Off on Endometriosis Symptoms: Treatment, Causes

6 Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Uterine Fibroid Issues

When it comes to uterine fibroid issues, there are many questions that women want to ask their doctors. Many of these questions are about any complications from fibroids and the treatments available. And further, what each treatment option entails, how long will the side effects last, when can they resume normal activities after surgery or ...
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2021-09-02T08:15:50-05:00August 23rd, 2021|Menstrual Cycle, Women's Health|Comments Off on 6 Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Uterine Fibroid Issues

What NOT To Put In Your Vagina

Many women have questions about what they should and shouldn't put in their vaginas. It's always wise to research before introducing something new into your body or placing an object not meant for the task inside. With movies portraying all sorts of scenarios, it can be hard to know where to start! To answer your ...
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2022-05-19T14:48:31-05:00July 22nd, 2021|Women's Health|Comments Off on What NOT To Put In Your Vagina
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