Pregnancy is a remarkable and transformative time in a woman’s life, but it can also bring unexpected challenges and uncertainties. Today, we want to provide valuable information on a pregnancy complication that affects many women: ectopic pregnancy, which occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, most commonly in the fallopian tube.


Though not widely discussed, ectopic pregnancies are more prevalent than one might realize, affecting approximately 1 to 2% of all pregnancies. Therefore, we believe it is crucial to shed light on this condition and its potential dangers. If you think you are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy or have already been diagnosed, we want to ensure you have the knowledge, resources, and support needed to recognize the signs, seek appropriate care, and navigate the emotional and physical journey ahead.


In this blog, we will discuss the signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy, explore its causes and risk factors, and discuss diagnostic methods employed by healthcare professionals. We will also address the available treatment options, the recovery process and provide guidance on how to cope with the physical and emotional aspects of pregnancy loss.

What Is Ectopic Pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancy (also called extrauterine pregnancy) is a condition where a fertilized egg is unable to make its way into the uterus, the part of the female reproductive system that is specifically designed to support a developing embryo. Instead, the egg implants and grows in an inappropriate location outside the uterus, where it cannot survive.


More than 90% of ectopic pregnancies occur when the fertilized egg implants and grows in the fallopian tube. This condition is referred to as a tubal pregnancy. In some cases, ectopic pregnancy may occur in other areas of the body, such as the ovary, abdominal cavity, or even the lower part of the uterus, known as the cervix.


No matter where ectopic pregnancy occurs, it’s important to understand that an ectopic pregnancy cannot proceed normally because the fertilized egg will not be able to survive and develop as it would in the uterus. While your fertilized egg cannot be saved, it is still crucial to recognize the signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy and seek prompt medical treatment to ensure the best possible outcome for the mother’s immediate health and long-term fertility.


Though ectopic pregnancy is relatively rare compared to normal pregnancies, with one study suggesting about 1 in 50 pregnancies in the U.S. are ectopic, its impact should not be underestimated. Each year, thousands of women worldwide are affected by this condition.  In fact, ectopic pregnancy is the most common cause of maternal mortality in the first trimester. If you believe you’ve experienced an ectopic pregnancy you should promptly call your OBGYN.

When Do Ectopic Pregnancies Start?

The specific timing of ectopic pregnancies can vary among women. That said, they do have a distinct timeline of development. Ectopic pregnancies most commonly occur within the first few weeks following conception and are usually detected between 5 to 10 weeks of gestation.


This is only a general timeline. Various factors can influence the timing of ectopic pregnancies, the most significant being the rate at which the fertilized egg travels through the fallopian tube toward the uterus. Any complications or delays in this journey can increase the risk of the egg implanting in the fallopian tube or another inappropriate location, resulting in an ectopic pregnancy.


As previously stated, an ectopic pregnancy cannot develop like a normal pregnancy and cannot be carried to full term. These pregnancies usually occur in the first trimester, but it is important to be aware of any unusual symptoms or signs that differ from a typical pregnancy experience, regardless of the trimester.


If you suspect you may have an ectopic pregnancy or have concerns, it’s essential to seek medical attention promptly for proper diagnosis and guidance tailored to your specific situation. Without timely diagnosis and treatment, ectopic pregnancy can become life-threatening.

Signs and Symptoms of an Ectopic Pregnancy

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy usually develop between the 4th and 12th weeks of pregnancy. They can present in many ways, varying from woman to woman.


Often the signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are overlooked because, at first, they can feel like signs of a typical pregnancy. However, there are some distinct differences, especially as an ectopic pregnancy grows and especially if a fallopian tube ruptures.

Early Signs of Ectopic Pregnancy

In the early stages of an ectopic pregnancy, you may experience symptoms similar to those of a normal pregnancy, such as missed periods, breast tenderness, and nausea.

Other early ectopic pregnancy signs may include:


  • Light vaginal bleeding
  • Mild pelvic pain
  • Mild low back pain


It is crucial to pay attention to any unusual or persistent symptoms, even if they seem like they are “normal” symptoms of pregnancy.

Common Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy

As the ectopic pregnancy progresses, especially if a fallopian tube ruptures, you may notice warning signs that differentiate it from a typical pregnancy. These symptoms can include the early signs listed above. However, they might go from mild to more severe.


Other common signs that ectopic pregnancy is advancing or a fallopian tube has ruptured might include:

  • Abdominal pain or cramping typically felt low down on one side
  • Sharp, sudden, and intense pain in the stomach
  • Unusual vaginal bleeding or spotting
  • Shoulder pain
  • Dizziness or fainting
  • An urge to have a bowel movement
  • Pain when urinating or having a bowel movement


Specific symptoms will depend on where the blood collects and which nerves are irritated. Still, if you experience any of these symptoms, seeking medical attention promptly is important.

Differentiating Between Ectopic and Normal Pregnancy Symptoms

While some symptoms of ectopic pregnancy may overlap with those of a normal pregnancy, certain factors can help distinguish between the two. For instance, severe or sharp abdominal pain, especially localized on one side, can be a red flag for an ectopic pregnancy. Similarly, if you experience heavy bleeding or shoulder pain along with other symptoms, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation.


Everyone’s experience may vary, and not all women will exhibit the same symptoms. Trust your instincts and listen to your body. If you have any concerns or doubts, it’s always best to consult your healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and guidance tailored to your situation.

Ectopic Pregnancy Causes and Risk Factors

The causes of ectopic pregnancy revolve around the fertilized egg’s inability to reach the uterus and implant properly. While each case is unique, here are some of the most common causes and risk factors to consider.


One common cause of ectopic pregnancy is a tubal pregnancy, which occurs when a fertilized egg becomes stuck along the fallopian tube’s path. This is often due to tube damage caused by inflammation or structural abnormalities.


Hormonal imbalances or abnormalities in the development of the fertilized egg are also known to contribute to ectopic pregnancies. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and endometriosis are also known causes of ectopic pregnancies.

Risk Factors

Several factors can increase the likelihood of having an ectopic pregnancy. While these factors do not guarantee an ectopic pregnancy will occur, they indicate a higher risk. Some of these risk factors include:


  • Previous ectopic pregnancy: If you have had an ectopic pregnancy in the past, you are at a greater risk of experiencing it again in future pregnancies.


  • Inflammation or infection: Sexually transmitted infections, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, can lead to inflammation in the reproductive organs, including the fallopian tubes, increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy. So can other infections, such as pelvic inflammatory disease or inflammation from something like operations in the pelvic area.


  • Fertility treatments: Research suggests that women who undergo fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF) may have a higher likelihood of ectopic pregnancy. Additionally, infertility itself may also be a contributing risk factor.


  • Tubal surgery: Surgical procedures to correct closed or damaged fallopian tubes can increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
  • Smoking: Smoking cigarettes before pregnancy has been linked to an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. The more cigarettes smoked, the higher the risk.


  • Birth control: While rare, getting pregnant with an intrauterine device (IUD) in place is more likely to result in an ectopic pregnancy. Similarly, if you become pregnant after undergoing tubal ligation (tubes tied), it increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

How to Avoid an Ectopic Pregnancy

Preventing an ectopic pregnancy involves taking proactive steps to promote reproductive health and manage potential risk factors. While it may not always be possible to prevent every case of ectopic pregnancy, here are some measures that can help minimize the risk.

  • Prioritize regular healthcare: Seek regular gynecological check-ups and maintain open communication with your healthcare provider. Routine examinations and screenings can help detect any underlying conditions or risk factors early on.
  • Practice safe sex: Protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) by using barrier methods, such as condoms, and maintaining a monogamous relationship. STIs can lead to inflammation and damage to the reproductive organs, increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
  • Get tested for STIs: If you suspect or are at risk of having an STI, promptly seek testing and treatment. Early detection and management of infections can help prevent complications that might contribute to ectopic pregnancy.
  • Address fertility issues: If you are struggling with infertility, consult with a fertility specialist to explore treatment options. Timely and appropriate fertility treatments, such as IVF, can help manage underlying factors that might increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
  • Consider birth control options carefully: When choosing a contraceptive method, discuss your individual circumstances and medical history with your healthcare provider. Some birth control methods, such as IUDs, have a lower risk of pregnancy overall but a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy if pregnancy occurs. Understanding these risks can help make an informed decision.
  • Treat pelvic infections promptly: Infections in the pelvic region, such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), can lead to inflammation and scarring of the fallopian tubes. Timely treatment of these infections can help reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
  • Quit smoking: If you smoke, take steps to quit. Smoking has been associated with an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, among other adverse effects on reproductive health. Seek support from healthcare professionals or cessation programs to help you quit successfully.
  • Regular prenatal care: If you are trying to get pregnant, early pregnancy testing and ultrasounds are crucial in identifying potential concerns. It’s also important to have open discussions with your healthcare provider, sharing your medical history and any known risk factors, to ensure appropriate monitoring and early intervention if necessary.

It’s important to note that while these measures can help reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy, they do not guarantee complete prevention. If you suspect you might have an ectopic pregnancy or experience any concerning symptoms, seek immediate medical attention for prompt diagnosis and appropriate care. Your healthcare provider can provide personalized guidance and support based on your specific circumstances.

How an Ectopic Pregnancy is Diagnosed

Diagnosing an ectopic pregnancy starts with you. If you experience any abnormal or concerning symptoms, such as abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, or shoulder pain, it is vital to seek medical attention promptly. After that, ectopic pregnancy diagnosis involves a combination of medical history, physical examination, imaging tests, and blood tests.

Here are the steps involved in the diagnostic process:


  • Medical history and physical examination: Your healthcare provider will take a detailed medical history, including any previous pregnancies, surgeries, or reproductive health conditions. They will also conduct a thorough physical examination to assess any signs or indications of an ectopic pregnancy.


  • Transvaginal ultrasound: One of the primary diagnostic methods for ectopic pregnancy is a transvaginal ultrasound. This imaging technique uses a wand-shaped device inserted into the vagina to visualize the pelvic organs, including the uterus and fallopian tubes. It allows the healthcare provider to assess the location and condition of the developing pregnancy.


  • Blood tests: Blood tests play a crucial role in diagnosing ectopic pregnancy. Two blood markers, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and progesterone are measured. Serial blood tests are performed over a period of time to track changes in these hormone levels. In an ectopic pregnancy, hCG levels may rise slower or lower than expected, and progesterone levels may be lower than typical for a normal pregnancy.


The diagnostic process for ectopic pregnancy may also involve the following:


  • Laparoscopy: In cases where the diagnosis remains uncertain or if there is a medical emergency, a laparoscopy may be performed. This surgical procedure involves inserting a thin, lighted tube through a small incision in the abdomen to directly visualize the pelvic organs. It allows for a more definitive diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy and may be combined with necessary treatment measures.
  • Other imaging tests: In some cases, additional imaging tests such as abdominal ultrasound or MRI may be used to provide further information on the location and condition of the pregnancy.
  • Observation and follow-up: If the diagnosis is not immediately conclusive, your healthcare provider may opt for a watchful waiting approach. They will closely monitor your symptoms and hormone levels, and perform repeat imaging tests to make an accurate diagnosis.


It is essential to seek medical attention if you suspect an ectopic pregnancy or experience any concerning symptoms. Your healthcare provider will guide you through the diagnostic process, utilizing a combination of medical history, physical examination, imaging tests, and blood tests to accurately determine the presence of an ectopic pregnancy.

How Ectopic Pregnancy is Treated

The goal of treatment for an ectopic pregnancy is to remove the pregnancy from its abnormal location and minimize the risk of complications. Exact ectopic pregnancy treatment depends on several factors, including the location and size of the ectopic pregnancy and the presence of complications.


For example, smaller and earlier ectopic pregnancies may be eligible for medication or expectant management, while larger or more advanced cases may require surgical intervention. If the fallopian tube has ruptured or there is a high risk of rupture, immediate surgical intervention is necessary to prevent life-threatening internal bleeding.


A patient’s overall health and future fertility goals can also determine how you are treated for ectopic pregnancy. For example, for women who desire to preserve fertility, healthcare providers may explore treatment options that aim to preserve the affected fallopian tube or minimize damage to reproductive organs.


Depending on your unique situation, here are the three main treatment options your doctor might discuss if you are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy.


Sometimes, when the ectopic pregnancy is small, and the fallopian tube is not at risk of rupture, a medication called methotrexate may be administered. Methotrexate stops the growth of the pregnancy and allows the body to absorb the tissue over time. Regular monitoring with blood tests is necessary to ensure the treatment is effective.


Surgical intervention may be necessary if the ectopic pregnancy has grown larger or poses a risk of rupture. The two most common surgeries for ectopic pregnancy are laparoscopic surgery and laparotomy.


Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that involves making small incisions in the abdomen to remove the ectopic pregnancy while preserving the fallopian tube if possible. In some cases, if the tube is severely damaged, it may need to be removed.


In rare situations where the ectopic pregnancy is large, the fallopian tube has ruptured, or if laparoscopic surgery is not feasible, a more extensive open surgery called a laparotomy may be required. This involves making a larger incision in the abdomen to access and remove the ectopic pregnancy. Depending on the severity of the situation, the fallopian tube may also need to be removed.

Watchful Waiting

In certain cases, if the ectopic pregnancy is very early and the woman’s condition is stable, a healthcare provider may recommend expectant management or “watchful waiting.” This involves closely monitoring the woman’s hormone levels and symptoms while allowing the body to naturally resolve the ectopic pregnancy. Regular follow-up visits and blood tests are necessary to ensure there are no complications.

Can a Baby Survive an Ectopic Pregnancy?

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus. There is no way for an egg to be repositioned into the uterus. Sadly, this means that a baby cannot survive an ectopic pregnancy, as the uterus is the only part of the female reproductive system designed to support the growth of a developing embryo. As a result, the pregnancy can’t progress normally and continue in a way that would allow the baby to survive.


Since it is impossible to save your baby, the primary concern in cases of ectopic pregnancy is preventing complications that could jeopardize the mother’s well-being. Swift and appropriate treatment is crucial if you are diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy. When diagnosed early, measures can be taken to safeguard your health and your future fertility.

What to Expect After an Ectopic Pregnancy

In addition to understanding your future fertility and physical recovery following an ectopic pregnancy, it’s crucial to consider your emotional health as you navigate recovery. The loss that comes with an ectopic pregnancy is no different from the profound grief experienced in a miscarriage or other similar situations.


It is essential to approach trying to get pregnant again and the physical and emotional healing journey with utmost compassion and care. Here are some key aspects to consider as you move forward.


Fertility After an Ectopic Pregnancy

Experiencing an ectopic pregnancy can raise concerns about future fertility and the chances of having a successful pregnancy. That said, it is important to remember that every case is unique, and many women go on to have healthy pregnancies after an ectopic pregnancy.

The effect on future pregnancies largely depends on factors such as the extent of damage to the reproductive organs and the underlying cause of the ectopic pregnancy. In some cases, surgical intervention or medical treatment may be necessary, which can potentially affect fertility. However, with advancements in medical technology and appropriate care, the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy are still favorable for many women.

Fertility is a complex matter, and each person’s journey is unique. Being proactive in seeking medical advice, maintaining overall health and wellness, and staying informed can significantly contribute to optimizing your chances of achieving a successful pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy.

Physical Recovery After an Ectopic Pregnancy

Your body requires time to heal following the ectopic pregnancy. It is normal to experience physical symptoms such as abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, or spotting as you recover. Your healthcare provider will provide specific instructions on managing these symptoms and may schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your physical well-being.

Emotional and Psychological Recovery After an Ectopic Pregnancy

Experiencing an ectopic pregnancy can be a deeply distressing and emotional journey for many women. You are likely to have a range of emotions, including grief, sadness, anger, or confusion following an ectopic pregnancy. You may also feel worried about your future fertility and experience sleeplessness, nightmares, or intrusive memories of the experience.

Each person’s psychological response and healing journey is unique. Whatever emotions you are feeling, it is important to give yourself permission to feel and process these emotions at your own pace and give yourself the necessary time and space to process your feelings.

Emotional Support After an Ectopic Pregnancy

Your emotional well-being is paramount following an ectopic pregnancy. Take the time to prioritize self-care and seek the support you need. By acknowledging and tending to both the physical and emotional aspects of recovery, you can gradually move towards healing and find strength in your journey ahead.


Here are some strategies to help you cope with the experience:

  • Allow Yourself to Feel: Recognize that it is natural to experience a wide range of emotions after an ectopic pregnancy. Allow yourself to express and process these feelings, whether it be sadness, anger, confusion, or a sense of loss. Give yourself permission to grieve and know that it is a valid and necessary part of the healing process.
  • Seek Support: Reach out to your partner, family, and friends for emotional support during this time. Share your feelings and thoughts with trusted loved ones who can provide a listening ear and offer comfort. It can be helpful to communicate your needs and let others know how they can best support you.
  • Join Support Groups: Consider joining support groups or online communities specifically for individuals who have experienced ectopic pregnancies. Connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences can provide a sense of understanding, validation, and companionship. Sharing your journey with others who truly understand can be incredibly healing.
  • Professional Counseling: Seeking professional help from a counselor or therapist who specializes in pregnancy loss can be beneficial. A professional can provide a safe and non-judgmental space to explore your emotions, work through grief, and develop coping strategies. They can offer guidance and support tailored to your unique needs.
  • Self-Care: Engage in self-care activities that promote healing and self-nurturing. This can include gentle exercises, practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation, indulging in hobbies you enjoy, spending time in nature, or pampering yourself with soothing baths or massages. Taking care of your physical and emotional well-being is crucial during this period.

Everyone copes with pregnancy loss differently, and there is no right or wrong way to navigate the healing process. Be patient with yourself, practice self-compassion, and seek the support that feels most beneficial to you. Healing takes time, but you can find strength and resilience in moving forward with the right resources and support.

Ectopic Pregnancy Help in Brentwood, Tennessee

Awareness of ectopic pregnancy’s signs and symptoms is vital for every woman’s reproductive health. Early detection and prompt medical intervention are crucial to ensure the best possible outcome. By understanding the causes, seeking appropriate treatment, and prioritizing self-care, women can navigate the challenges of ectopic pregnancy.


Cool Springs Obstetrics & Gynecology has provided quality women’s healthcare for over 20 years. Led by Dr. Lodge, our experienced team specializes in various aspects of women’s health, including reproductive health, prenatal care, and more. We are committed to supporting women through their reproductive journeys and offering compassionate care.


If you suspect you may be experiencing an ectopic pregnancy or have any concerns about your reproductive health, don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated team. We are here to provide the necessary support and guidance to ensure your well-being.